Reliable stock, fast delivery, reducing carbon miles
Our size, reach and reputation allow Highbourne Group to manage a supply chain which maximises stock availability, ensures rapid delivery and works with clients to reduce carbon emissions in the supply journey.
Four warehouses service the entire group, including our Omega warehouse in Warrington which covers 670,000 square feet and houses 13,000 product lines. This enables next-day direct-to-customer delivery as well as 210 next-day deliveries to our branch network.
We work with all suppliers, from small independents to big national corporate manufacturing companies, ensuring extensive choice and end-to-end solutions. By offering tailored delivery solutions, for instance, shared containers, we help clients reduce their carbon footprint.
Working with our warehouse management and order forecasting partner Blue Yonder, we maximise stock availability and offer customer-specific tailored delivery options.
Stock can be delivered by 10am on a next-day timed delivery service. We can also pick up stock directly from the factory, negating the need for customers to organise their own transport.

Our warehouse management & order forecasting partner Blue Yonder
Working with our warehouse management and order forecasting partner Blue Yonder, we maximise stock availability and offer customer-specific tailored delivery options.
Stock can be delivered to customers by 10am. We can also pick up stock directly from the factory, negating the need for customers to organise their own transport.

Our logistics service provider GXO
Because we are a merchant, and not tied to individual manufacturers, we can source products from anywhere in the world. If a customer needs it, we can get it.
Working with our logistics service provider partner GXO, we deliver end-to-end solutions for our customers, from anywhere in the world to one of our branches or to their business.
Fast delivery is a key focus. At our Omega warehouse, customers who order by 6pm can receive their orders by 10am the next day, including large items.

Working to reduce carbon emissions in the supply chain
We work in partnership with manufacturers to reduce carbon miles in the supply chain, including using empty vehicles to collect customer products direct from their factories and ensuring full loads to reduce the frequency of journeys.
We also talk to customers to analyse how they reduce their own carbon emissions. For instance, by sharing, or consolidating, containers. A tailored approach to delivery brings the best results for businesses and for the environment.